We Help People Grow Their Own Food

At Food Forest Kansas City, we believe in turning lawns into food forests. Our mission is to design and install beautiful edible landscapes that not only look stunning but also yield an abundance of food. Through the principles of permaculture and by working in harmony with nature, we create sustainable and self-sufficient ecosystems that promote a healthier and more sustainable way of living.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener, we are here to guide you every step of the way. Our team of experts will help you transform your backyard into a thriving food forest that will provide you with fresh, organic produce all year round. Say goodbye to chemical-laden grocery store produce and hello to the joy of growing your own food.

Join us in the movement towards a greener and more self-reliant future. Together, we can create a world where everyone has access to nutritious and homegrown food.

Sign up to become an Abundance Ambassador.

What Is Permaculture?

Permaculture, short for "permanent agriculture," is a holistic design philosophy that mimics natural ecosystems for sustainable and regenerative systems. It goes beyond gardening, encompassing practices that integrate plants, animals, and humans to create balanced, self-sufficient environments. By working with nature, permaculture aims to minimize waste, promote resilience, and build sustainable communities. Whether applied to agriculture, urban planning, or daily life, permaculture provides a framework for creating a more interconnected and environmentally friendly world.

About Owner Gabe Engelbert

Gabe is a married man and father who is on a mission to revolutionize food systems in the Kansas City metro area. His journey began in the heart of the Midwest, where he faced adversity at a young age, shaping him into a self-reliant and determined individual. Intrigued by the complexities of interpersonal relationships, Gabe delved into Organizational Communication at Kennesaw State University, laying the foundation for his future endeavors.

Gabe’s career path reflects his versatile nature, starting as a mortgage banker and venturing into energy sales in de-regulated markets. His skills led him to establish markets in several states, showcasing his ability to adapt and thrive in dynamic environments. A shift into real estate and freight brokerage paved the way for his 2011 foray into the medical industry, where he found success selling orthopedic implants. Despite financial success, Gabe recognized a deeper issue within the healthcare system – the neglect of the root cause of many illnesses. Motivated by this realization, he embarked on a new mission: to bring sustainable agriculture to the Kansas City metro area using permaculture principles. Understanding that a healthy diet is the foundation for well-being, Gabe is committed to decentralizing food systems and promoting a holistic approach to health in his community.

Other Things I Support.

The X39 Patch by LifeWave supports the flow of natural energy within your body to encourage and support whole-body wellness and healthy activity. Experience the restorative balance of acupressure and acupuncture well-being with the simplicity of the patch.

The Healy story began with a desire to create a better world for individuals seeking a healthy and fulfilling life. We recognized the need for a shift in mindset, one that prioritizes physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. And so, we set out with a vision to make a continuous, positive impact on humanity.

Our unique solutions aim to promote balance, confidence, and comfort, allowing you to unlock your best selves.

Comprising a team of dedicated professionals and business owners, KC Luxury Services is committed to delivering unparalleled services that cater to the unique needs and aspirations of our clients and community. Food Forest Kansas City is a proud Member of KC Luxury Services.


  • "Gabe and his crew of men are wonderful to work with. Communicate with them and they will accomplish what it is that you desire. I'm glad to have found Food Forest KC and in particular, Gabe and the crew."

    Susan Stokenbury

  • "I’ve really enjoyed working with Gabe, his crew and Food Forest Abundance this past year. Throughout the entire process- from initial discussions, meeting with FFA designers, during installation and after completion- Gabe has communicated and supported us every step of the way. There were a few setbacks prolonging the project and he always remained positive, optimistic, never saw a problem too big, and gave us daily updates. The cedar terraces built for the food forest and soil erosion protection are gorgeous and will withstand the test of time. We are grateful to and for Gabe’s thoughtfulness, abundance mentality, and knowledge."

    Christy Binn
    Mustard Seed Manor Montessori

  • "You are wonderful, competent, full of resources, a problem solver, true to your word, knowledgeable, hard working, and deserves a truck to make his life easier! ❤️"

    Andrea EuDaly